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Unedited transcript below

well happy Saint Patrick's day everybody so uh I I taught this twice yesterday three times two weeks before that and I'm really really passionate about this and it's going to be fun we're gonna talk about um I was here not too long ago but last year but that's easy to say because I was a couple months ago um and we talked about some of the same stuff so there's a little bit of an overlap if you went to family reunion you're going to notice some stuff I talked about if you went to the overthrive


event in Seal Beach you're gonna see some soccer and I decided to start off this way I'm really here to mostly just remind here I think children need to be taught and adults just need to be reminded me right um but there's something brand new that you'll learn today so it's it's a it's a reminding it's what I call a reframe so the topic of this discussion is 3 and 201 a powerful database and so those three things is what I want to put in your frame I want to reframe it so that you're focusing on those


three things because we know that's where over 60 of business comes from yeah over 70 um and then the number 201 we'll talk about um and then also kind of put all of this in context with uh what's going on in the industry right like these are really good important smart things to do but they're double that now because of where we're going so I got into real estate you guys in in 2004 kind of accidentally I became an accidental title rep as a high school teacher for 11 years Anaheim Newport Beach and then um I love I


coached lacrosse a particular process you guys know now right back in the day it was like what's that uh and volleyball and thought history and loved it and but I'm like I don't know if I can do this you know until you are 65 and they do that teacher retirement I'm like I want to go do something build something I'm going to go open a State Farm Insurance office I was going to be Jake right Jake from State Farm and uh a friend of mine said go talk to this guy named cams at the Southland title


yeah remember Southland yeah and uh I'm like I had purchased two houses at that point in my life um and I'm like the only thing I knew about title was it was that expensive line item on the clothing sheet that has a buyer so you're like what what am I paying for you what's going on and uh a sit down and Kent goes well here's your salary I'm like all right and here's your commission structure I'm like oh that's good and then he goes here's your later tickets here's your Ducks tickets and here's


your happy hour much I'm like what job is this what is going on and then so it was o4 before wrestler came in in 09 and uh I loved it but it I built this awesome North Orange County Title business with my partner Mary and I got to I got to know the top agents because those listing agents correct title right and I saw how their business worked and then so from there got into the brokerage side I spent three years in production so I've been I mean that's 19 years in the industry coming out here 20 years next year but I


only spent three years in production because I didn't sell a house for six months it was I I went into production in 09. right I'm like okay everything's shifting and moving I'm just gonna have to go do it myself six months and I knew what to do expires I had my red X if that's what remember it was called my expired campaign you guys ever been to Seal Beach I'm sure you're not sure tiny little town but it's I door knocked the entire town of Salvage literally every home every single family home in Seal Beach I've


knocked on the door right I know six months not not nothing nothing month seven million in close volume month eight and other minutes right over six million in the next six months second year 22 sales third year 24 sales in the first six months and the phone ranks Jim we're going to open a Keller Williams Market Center and we'd like you to do it Mike no thank you but they kept on it they talked me into it I did it I loved it so I've been a team leader I'm op now of KW Carlsbad San Diego uh the op of KW Big Bear in KW


Lake Arrowhead and yes there's lots of snow but it is melting quickly okay we've got a lot of new agents here yeah oh yeah yeah the the Keller Williams language right I'll throw out all kinds of things so operating principle is like the chairman of the board of the ownership group of the office foreign and I'm your Regional director so there's 19 Market centers in our region and I had the pleasure of working with all the Ops and the TLs with that so if uh my name is Jim crotwell that's where


I come from and that's what I do now and that's why I'm here today so um I'm an open access Open Door Facebook Instagram Jim crotwell you can find me I'll give you my uh cell number um if you ever need a Gabe and Ken Jane you can give it out like candy if you want you can literally call me anytime anything you need with Keller Williams anywhere or anything else um real estate related real estate and Lacrosse and the world history U.


S history from the teaching data maybe some history questions if you want to mix that in there um but the industry is really shifting and it has been shipping and it's going to keep shifting right remember o4 right I made more money from 08 to 2012 than I did before that right and the other dips and the other terms every time the market has a downturn generally at least with the news calls a downturn I've built things grown things and made more money so bring it on if you do it the right way and there's a lot of noise out there


so when we leave here after this discussion I want you guys to be super super clear on what those three things are and why that number 201 is so important that's my goal so we talked a lot of family reunion about charge the storm and I'm sure you've heard it and I love saying it over and over is when a storm comes the bears run and hide the cows just lay down and take a beating but the Buffalo finds the storm turns into it and runs into it and gets through it faster I think I just described the three types


of real estate agents and what's going to happen in 2023 some will run and hide they'll go get a job they'll go back to a job they didn't want they'll limit their growth or what that's why everyone has to make their choice and some will just sit down and take a beating and wait for it to be over in fact that's probably the majority but what we're going to do is figure out where the storm's coming from and we're going to run through it so when we say charge the storm it's not


just about the Buffalo it's making sure that you're not the cow and not the bear right don't run away don't sit down and take a beating like take action on it so you probably feel like you're at the beginning of a team meeting or an ALC meeting because I just put up our Mission Vision values and beliefs but there's a reason and I'm going to talk about this for one minute I'm going to talk about the six personal perspectives for a minute as well because it really matters it's connected to everything we


do at Federal so if I said I was in a meeting with Gary Keller that would be that sound pretty cool like that's a big name drop right but actually I was at a meeting with Gary Keller was at with 100 other people but I like to say I was in a meeting Jerry shout this out but the last two weeks ago in Austin Texas all the regional directors there's 32 of us that cover the United States well 33 because Canada uh not a state I know but there's another Regional director and I really want to focus in on the White Horse C2


teams I know it's a little small but it's also up somewhere in your office I guarantee you some of that I mean our mission is great build careers our vision be the real estate company of choice love it our perspective our values God family business absolutely but the Whiteboard c2ts and we're at this meeting with the regional directors and they're going through all the RDS and they're like hey Russ what's your favorite White Horse c2p and why and Russ would say well customers always come first and here's why Jim what's


your favorite well I like teamwork together everyone yeah yeah yeah and they go through the room and they go to Gary not Gary and Gary just goes first and last like what he goes all not all that matters but what really matters is the first and the last and we all looked at it and we're like oh as we often do and Gary says thank you oh that's really smart uh win-win or No Deal now how does that connect to what we're talking about which is your dad gets I think it connects one thousand percent if you want a long lasting career


right and it's a lot easier to get repeat business you need to adopt one thousand percent into the core of who you are that you are going to live a win-win or No Deal life and win-win does not mean that I know what's the win for me and then I'm going to tell you something that I think is good for you and convince you to do it right that's a that's an imposition you have to have your win and we have to communicate so that we come out win-win right every single customer every single Co-op agent every single agent in your


Keller Williams family if you if you make that your number one of your belief system that you're going to be win-win your career in your business will soar and then at the end success results through people you will be able to do more if that is your other most important one all of these are important but I just want to kind of share what Gary shared with us and say let's really make sure we nail the first two and then all that stuff in the middle will show up the next time you walk by in the Market Center that y4c2ts look at all of them


but really pay attention to the first and the last so let's talk about the six personal perspectives which is a whole separate class that lets you spend a minute on it same thing we go around the room Rd likes this one this one oh e to P limiting beliefs yeah they're all good we get to Gary what do you think Gary said first and last and we look ahead and again and we're like you know so every Market Center has part-time agents but I'm on a mission to remove the term part-time someone who's doing real estate and


something else is a dual career agent and sometimes those things feed each other which is good but see for me that's the way I explain self Mastery because real estate's going to demand more than your part-time attention even if you're doing something else for you to master it and do it right and that's fine I know a lot of dual career agents that make great money in both both places that's fine but that there's no there's no excuse from not being committed to self-mastery right if we're in the way I say it is if


I'm going to do something I'm going to do it well and I'm going to always get better at it it's a commitment level no one can give you self-mastery that has to be an internal commitment so that's the first now let's go to the last be accountable it doesn't say hold accountable right so I take issue with the word hold every time we talk about accountability if you're an ignite or your PC program or you're in bold there's always these I'm going to hold you accountable who's


your accountability partner so they can hold you accountable no one can hold you accountable it won't work you either are accountable as Who You Are or you're not your relationship with reality shows me if you're an accountable human or not so I was supposed to do six open houses last month and I did three and so if I'm accountable I do three and here's what I'm going to do next month to do six if I'm a non-accountable person I can't handle that reality that I did three and so when you ask me about that


I don't talk about how I'm gonna fix it I live in all the reasons of the three I didn't do and I'm trying to make it okay and justify it I don't care your goal was six the real number is three great stop now all I care about is how can we do six next month first is six still your goal for next month yeah okay what are we gonna do to do that we don't need any of those excuses like that's trying to rewrite history or make an ex it just is what it is right so being accountable is is it it is what it is


and then what are we going to do to fix it so the first and the last self-mastery be accountable the rest of that stuff shows up that six personal perspectives we forget we got those when Gary and Jay and Dave interviewed 200 millionaire Asians and they all said those same six things right that's not just like Jay papazon had an idea Hades that came from a common denominator from all 200 millionaire agents so back to the Buffalo real quick before we dive in here that's my favorite picture of the Buffalo because he's in the storm right it's not


getting ready for the storm it's not when this happens I'm going to do it no it's already happened and he's paid he's doing it and he just looks like strong powerful leaning forward at least that's what I see so that's my favorite Buffalo I wanted to share with you all right this is a marketing piece I know it's tiny uh that I kind of ran across as I was putting this PowerPoint together and I'm like we've actually been talking about this for longer than this year and last year


so this to me really is how I see the KW value proposition which is if we can keep you top of mind with your database and Farm and if we can make you the agent of choice for everyone in your database because Lord knows they all know multiple real estate agents and then if we can grow your if we can add customers and grow your database and we can put you in a position so that those people contact you when they have a question would you worry less about them going on Zillow absolutely they're still going to to see if what


you told them how it Compares you're not going to stop that but at least we put you in a position of being more available to them so when we talk about your database we have to talk about the other lead aggregators and nine billion dollars of investment in real estate last year of the people that are trying to put the people in your database and their database right I mean there's agents in these Market centers where you guys have the same people in your database so this is going to be overlap right but Zillow is trying to put


everyone in their database all your people right you cannot turn them off you cannot stop them but you can be closer to your people than they can ever be all right okay it's kind of zigzagging around but I need I need to kind of set the table here for for this the economic model which is in the mrea book which is hanging on the wall right there so find one that's not nailed to the wall and read it right there Gabe can tell you how to get one but there's four models in there same thing the 200 millionaires came up with


all these common denominators that built the book but I think if you don't understand the economic model then the other models won't do you much good and the economic model is this I'm going to make a business plan and I want to close at least 24 homes because I did the math and that commission that net commission is how much I need to make or want to make that's my goal 24.


now if your goal is 124 great or if your goal is 240 that's also great or a thousand there's agents I can connect you with and do all of that right but let's just say it's 24. but you can't make a business plan on 24 closings because no matter what happens you can't go out this afternoon and do a closing you could that that's a result of that's the last Domino so we can't plan on that so in in today's environment how many escrows would you open to guarantee that you close one more than one


right so 1.5 maybe two but let's just say 1.5 so I got to open 36 to close 24. so how do you open it can you go out to later today and open escrow well maybe if some other stuff has already happened but you can't business plan around open escrows so how many listings do you need to sell to open an escrow well probably maybe one and a half again so now I need 48 listings to get 36 and escrow to close 24.


now if you go take 48 listings you're going to close more than 24. right unless you took horribly overpriced listings so but we're just doing math here to make our business plan so now we need 48 listings can you go take a listing today now we're getting closer but how many appointments do you need to get a listing well maybe one and a half right if it was two then you're only getting 50 so 75 so I need what number am I at 60 yeah 60 listing appointments to get my 24 close can you go do an appointment later today


yes see you guys aren't in the real estate business I think I said that last time I was here because I believe it you're not in the real estate business and some of you are like wait a minute Jim I'm in the wrong room it's okay this is capital used real estate you're in the business of the people who live in the real estate that's what you need to realize everything you do that's part of this reframing is you're in the business with the people who live in the real estate and your job on a day-to-day basis is to


do the things so you can have appointments with those people the rest of that is just skill but the thing that you do the thing you make you don't build cars you don't build airplanes you don't make widgets you hold appointments Thatcher John right A lot of people get into real estate because they think they want to they want to transact right look at all these cable shows right they want to transact and that looks fun I would love it if real estate worked like that where you go show somebody three homes


they love all three and they can't decide they make an offer on one they go to Starbucks for 15 minutes while you talk to the listing agent you come back and tell them which one they got right that's what happened like that's what attracts people to real estate and the transacting is fun ah well sometimes so look at it you got it you got okay we got three rows here right everything in real estate is either lead gen follow-up or transaction you that's not always fun you guys are good at this you can solve problems


you guys are not too bad at lead generation you'll do it because you're looking for the escrow you know what you're really bad at him the follower Zillow is not bad at that go put your info on Zillow and see how many contacts you get right they don't care when you're ready to go but they're going to be there when you are so you guys are looking for now business and I don't want you to stop looking for now business but sometimes most of the time that's all you're doing and you're forgetting about the future


business and you're not nurturing your database and you don't know how big your database you don't care how big your data is true story top five team in the region not in Arcadia or Pasadena so take that off your head somewhere else I'm not going to tell you I'm talking about this he goes Jim I need to meet you in my office immediately after this meeting we go in I mean we're talking you know multiple deals a week this team's closing left and right and and the assistant has a 300 page


printout they've got another download from Boom Town that's 10 years old they've got these open house Registries and we got the Mega's phone and there's nothing that's tying any of that together and they're still doing what they're doing imagine it right so even that person is just looking for who's ready to go now who's now who's now right so I don't care if you got your license this morning or you're that guy you need this is this is what this is why you're at Keller Williams to build a


business and a career so that you can Prospect for the now but also get the futuring this is a Gnar statistic eighty percent of homeowners would use their realtor again so let's say I bought my house in Arcadia eight years ago and they asked hey Jim would you use that same agent yeah 80 people say yeah no problem 17 due 80 would do it and only 17 do that's how bad real estate agents are staying in touch with people especially eight years back right now if you knew that your customer from eight years ago was going to sell


oh you'd become their best friend or you try to might be too late because you've got seven something years in between where you didn't care about it that's what this is saying that long-term nurture isn't figure out when they're going to sell and show up again because then you're being transactional in their life this is no stay in their life Okay so no more only now business everyone is either now or a future one more thing here underneath the word money it says contact I try to remove the word lead from my


vocabulary I think the word lead hurts us right you get a referral from an agent in Denver hey I got a lead for you here's a referral fee agreement I'll give you all their info and sometimes it's great and sometimes you call that contact and they're like I'm not sure who that is but yeah we were thinking I told like they heard it from a third party they got the info and they're just trying to make it a lead right there's no relationship so that lead like not All Leads are paid let's


go they're not warmed up and that's fine but let's stop calling them leads we're going to talk about lead aggregators here in a second they sold 30 million leads last year 30 million leads they call them leads you know how many sales they were last year six million so 24 million were leads to something else beside the real estate deal right there are only six million deals so I call them contacts which is a name and a way to get a hold of them and hopefully that's a phone and an email but one or the other that's a great


reason to get the other one so I think everyone's a contact and I want as many contacts in my databases I can get until I have an appointment those are the only two words I care about contact and appointment okay here's the number three 38 of all business and this is measuring all Keller Williams agents all transactions in the US last year 38 came from past client referral from sphere of influence or agent to agent referral 38 that seems a little low to me what would you say I'd say 60 that's probably your experience


because your database is probably pretty big and healthy I'll go ahead well let me add see the other one so so that's 38 number two the 20 open house so if you're an agent that's been in one area quite a long time your open house is your farm right so now if you put your personal database with your farm in your open house it's 58 now we're closer to your 60 percent right so 20 the initial connection was made at an open house now hopefully that open house person went into their database


but they're saying hey I first met him at open app I mean in their database 38 already for 20 open house the third one 14 is online leads and which of these three now I know if an agent gives you a referral you got to pay a referral and you're happy to do it right but every single deal under category number three requires either a purchase or referral fee and sometimes board so it's the lowest percent now four to five and six I'd have to go look what they are so before you ask me what those are I'll have to get it right number


three online leads 14 so those three areas is where 58 72 of all business comes from this is the reframing part of today like let's make sure that you're doing something with those three maybe those two right maybe you don't need number three maybe you do there are teams that live on number three I know one that pays 11 500 a month for leads on number three and there's more there's people that pay more than that right and I guarantee you the 11 500 person I'm thinking of does not have an organized database


and if they looked at this they would realize let me say it this way the fact that Zillow or Ojo exist does not create additional transactions this year like last year it was six million this year it's 4.5 4.1 depending on who you listen to 4 million plus deals but just because Zillow is Zillow and realtor.


com is what it is that doesn't mean there's going to be a 5 million sales it's still the same four million people and those same people are already in someone's database or multiple agents databases and on the buy side sometimes the sell side they're also the ones going out to open houses it's the same people you see one of the most important things you can do as a real estate agent is firmly believed without and doubt that every buyer and every seller is far better off with you in the middle of the


transaction would you agree buyer you need me from a to z to make sure this goes as well as it can for you money-wise time wise everything wise seller you need me on day one all the way through to the end to make sure you get the money the experience the time no one can do that better now if you doubt that right then redfinzilla is exactly what they want you to think because if a buyer goes to Zillow or a seller goes to Redfin that's their agent of choice that's their fiduciary that's that's who they


think the expert is I mean ask Redfin who your agent's going to be they're like we don't know depends what happens on Tuesday when we spin the wheel at three o'clock and then you get here you get and but there's a lot of people that transact that way because there's not another agent that is showing up in their life offering their services right now redfin's going after everyone Zillow wants everyone realtor.


com wants everyone you are not going to compete with them but you don't need everyone you just need your database there's enough business in your database there's enough business in your Navigators okay so those are the three you guys got it you can pass a pop quiz SOI open house online leads so what we're going to do is kind of walk backwards through that and figure out what's really going on but whatever the rest of this year and going forward your business plan is I want you to kind of give the attention the time the money


the energy where it really needs to be so I put online leads into three categories and they're different right social media real quick on social media I think social media is the Thanksgiving gravy what I mean by that is if I go to Ken's house for Thanksgiving and I walk in and I say Ken I hear you make some really good gravy I don't guys have a bowl of gravy like that'd be gross now someone in here might be like myself I think it's pretty good grade but don't don't just eat a bullet the


gravy's better when it goes on the main plate so all the stuff we're going to talk about I think is the main plate but that main Plate's better when the gravy goes on it so social media don't live there do it right but so and then do the thing that fits for you so for me I'm I'm Facebooking Instagram that's it I don't need to add anything I don't need to become Tick Tock it's not gonna happen there's other people that are like oh I would never touch Facebook those people are


called my kids right I'm like fine you do you I'll do me and I think this go find a database where they are but you should be there search engines do you remember being a new agent and spending a half a day or more on your business card like looking at Michael Lewis like oh which one and am I going to go black tone or am I going to go the white logo and then you call Gay Gabe I need I need to talk to you David picture or no picture what should I do right and you're like my business card is so important it's this magic


thing that everyone even touches if I'm going to be a realtor for like get better your Google business profile is that now that so don't spend a half a day on it but you need to go look at it you need to go do it everyone needs to have a Google business profile that has your uh Keller Williams address on it that links to your website right that's where your some of your reviews are going to land right and that's how people are going to find you and land on your question how do you know where to find that so


what you do is you Google yourself now because I'm your Regional director I have to give a public service announcement There Are Rules around this there are California Department of real estate rules around us you have to put your name first and then Keller Williams you're not allowed to and you might find these out there and you should fix it like we don't have a Google police don't worry but we're just asking you to monitor yourself you're not allowed to say Keller Williams Pasadena slash gay Perez because you're telling


Google that you are the office so you have to tell Google no I'm gay Perez Keller Williams got it okay so all I want to say about search engines and now you can do more you can pay per click you can do all that that's not what this class is about but social media do it good idea search engines yeah well pay attention to being let's make it a comeback like Bill Gates did a whole number on AI and how that works and watch like next year we'll see if bang is as popular as Google and so when Bing has business profiles go do that that's


where the eyeballs are okay now let's talk about lead aggregate this is where I have a problem because a few minutes ago I said I need you to firmly believe that buyers and sellers are better with you in the transaction you're doing it for them you're the fiduciary the lead aggregators want to take that away from me social media doesn't want to take it away search engines don't want to take it away but lead aggregators do when Zillow gets a client and sells it to you when that client's ready to go


again Zillow wants them to do it next time start with Zillow always start with Zillow Ojo wants them to always start with Ojo right whoever they start with is the fiduciary you want them to start with you lead aggregators are trying to they're not trying to get rid of you they would go out of business if they got rid of you they're just trying to pay you fifty dollars for each door you order and then they want to keep the rest white Zillow has a mortgage company that's why Zillow has a transaction company that's why Zillow about showing


fine right so that's why I want you to separate that from you can get online leads from social media you can get online leads from search engines so I'm not saying online leads are bad just be careful of the people that are trying to take your spot at the middle of the transaction and if you do have online leads from realtor Zillow off City whatever it is communities put them in your database so the next time they start with you right teach these guys a lesson if you're going to buy them and take them


do it once and then you become their their person by doing in your database there's one more that's not up here and I don't mean to bring it up it's a tangent or answer all your questions on it because I certainly can't but I think it's real I think it's around to say and I think you need to look at it and make a decision in that 72 sold 72 sold is a website that sellers go to and then 72 sold gives out the lead so that kind of sounds like Zillow but it's different started in Arizona


became the number one real estate company in Arizona in a little over a year the 72 sold agents in Arizona make up one percent of the agent count in the state and they take 11 of the listing in the state because they taught that hey we do it differently we have a non-traditional way of doing this so come here and talk to one of our agents and that's a very popular message right anytime you can say I'm not traditional I'm not old school I've got a new way of doing it that will attract attention now how does


72 Soul get so many people to go to their website does anybody know TV advertisements right commercials on TV has anyone seen them if you watch the news sports that's mostly where they're at so they have two programs and they really bring this up for the less expensive of the Jew program so the starting point is you go to 72national.


com the number and then the word and you can sign up for Jerry Keller Williams if you're not a Keller Williams they can't sign up and it's 199 for the first two months and then it kicks down to 72 a month for as long as you want to see and you get all of their scripts marketing materials uh listing presentations non-owner occupied letters expired letters all the marketing you get three you get Zoom calls you listen to success stories and you just take that non-traditional approach and you apply it to your database and


you apply it to your business and you use it and it costs you 72 a month for me that's hands down and go on Gary's got a video with Jason Abrams they explain it check it out and right now it's only available to KW agents because Gary made a deal outside of Arizona it's KW so check it out 72 a month and then you get to be that person to your database of hey I've got a trademark way that can sell your house for great money and short amount of time I really need two Nationals 72 sold


we got sold okay um okay so let's say you're doing that and you're like whoa this is good material these are good zoom calls I'd like some of those leads from the TV apps that's different that's going to cost you fifteen hundred dollars every six weeks right and if you want to play play and then you might be like whoa that paid off I'm going to do it again next six weeks right it's all on the website but go in there and become an expert on how they're talking to their people and


then you talk to your people that way okay so that's a lead aggregator that's like partnered with payday so that's why they're not up there but that's not something you guys should check out okay open houses um I have obviously a California real estate license I can sell anywhere in California and now I just do referrals I don't do any transactions myself but if a helicopter pick me up and took me away from here and I lost my job and I was out of drops me in Sacramento I don't know anybody in Sacramento I


gotta make money and all I got to California real estate license I would go to the nearest KW I would sign up I would get an open house from someone who had a listing who would let me do it and there's a way to do that that makes it easier to get but then you're also getting the right kind of open house and I'll show you how to do that and I would do an open house twice a week for the first month so I would do eight open houses in that first month and I would do it the right way and I'd start remember my database


was Zero when the helicopter dropping off I put people and I don't care if they're now or future everyone goes in everyone gets communicated with and then I do it again I would do another eight open houses the next month so I do 16 open houses that do them the right way now open house takes me three days now I'm not sitting there for three days right but one day is all the research and everything I do the previewing the research another day is all the circle prospecting I do and then the third day


is the open house so I'm gonna work six days a week for two months I'm going to do 16 open houses who thinks I'd have an escrow in the third month I do I mean there's nothing else I would do if you dropped me in Sacramento and I didn't have a job and I had to make money except what I just said it would work it would work so that's a QR code you probably want to zap because everything about how the top agents in the nation at KW do their open houses is in that KW code book right everything


about the top agents in KW of how they hold client events is in that code book so you're going to find in there here are the 18 steps to the perfect open house and then you'll flip to the client events and I'll be like here's the 26 steps to the perfect client event and let's say you want to do expires well Nationwide here's the top agents here's the 13 steps to expires they've broken down every prospecting method so it's kind of like a a cheat to the mrea about how do you want to get business


and then here's how here's the steps to do it and some of them are very basic but it doesn't leave anything out so I wanted to make sure you had that in there I put it here because I really want you to read the open house part because how cool would it be if you guys decided that your databases were so important and as we know from the three topics that one of the best ways to grow your database is to do open houses and all of the KW agents around here started doing both and you guys are doing open houses


I know but you really started to do them like it became one of the things that you did and you're driving around on Sunday and you're like get up you sign Kwa that would be cool it's probably already happening now to a degree but I bet we could take it like really up there that would help all of you so Gabe has this uh whole PowerPoint you're going to get all these slides and so um you can you can get that whenever you want I put this in here too last minute because this is not in the code book


because they didn't ask me but if they did I would say put this in the code book for me LP mama and you can Google it or you can print it off here when Gabe gives you those slides is the way to talk real estate because remember the the slide I showed you that said you got now business and future business right and so instead of always having to say are you ready to buy or sell this is a way to talk real estate with anybody whether they're now or future business and when you start talking like this to


everybody they're going to know you're in real estate hopefully they already know but sometimes they don't you think they do and they don't right or there are people well actually we're going to get to it I won't I won't jump again on that but basically what LP mama says is let's let's just talk about location now it's not telling you what to say it's up to you you think of a real estate a location question you sparked up a conversation on location that might last 20 seconds it


might last six minutes and then you migrate that into a price so if I was asking somebody well how long have you lived here 23 years oh my gosh that's great what what made you move here 23 years ago we're just talking location what'd you pay for your house 23 years ago they're going to be like 31 000 yeah maybe you don't I don't know seventy five thousand dollars and then you have a conversation about what do you think it's worth now I have no idea I'm trying to help you with that


let's have an appointment are they going to sell no or they want to list no but they're in my farm they're in my database I'm the real estate expert anytime I can get in their house to talk about their house and provide them a value I should do it right so the more we talk real estate to everybody more real estate things show up a great script for everyone who owns a house right now is whoa what a crazy real estate ride happened the last couple years now they didn't buy they didn't sell they lived


in their house they're in your farm this is the script I wonder if you and I are on the same page of what your house is worth now I know you're not moving for 20 years or you're going to die in this house if you told me that it might not put in your door I don't care but I just wonder what your house really is worth right now why don't we do this why don't I provide you a market uh analysis a professional CNA that's what I do and we'll have a Baseline for spring of 23 we'll have a number


and then every six months when I mail you your brief CMA update or you get my newsletter you'll have a starting point to go through right so just go talk to your homeowners about what their house is worth and then everything else you do is Realtors right we're going to talk to people about real estate okay so we talked about online leads you're going to make a decision on that you're going to look at 72 so we talked about open houses you're going to read the code book you're going to paint the town


red with KW open house Signs Now sphere of influence 38 percent of all business Nationwide or more I agree with you Jane four more how to get more business from the people you know doesn't that sound good be honest it doesn't sound good to all of you because you're like I want to bug them right but when you say when we hire you into KW and we say hey let's put your database into command and half of you are like huh I don't want to bother them I don't disagree with you are you saying you don't want to do those transactions


no that's not what I'm saying okay let's get clear on that because if you don't want to do those transactions I got plenty of people that live in this office that'll do them for you right you're not saying because it hurts when a a friend or let alone a family member says hey guess what we just bought a house come over and watched basketball at our new house you're like you're new what right it happened it happens to me it happens to all of us right so you're not saying that you


don't want the deal you're just saying you don't want to bug them okay so then let's just fix that okay so don't don't throw the baby out with the bath water so yeah we do want more so here's the number 201 you guys already know what the three stands for the 201 is this of all the agents in the United States that have zero people in command they average 14 000 a year in commission which means somehow they got a hold of them right that's the average for the people who have up to 10 in


command smart plans turned on they average 23 000. this is not why we got our real estate license okay the reason we got our real estate license is now we're in Pasadena and Arcadia and it's probably a a different than uh um an area that's not this nice I won't say an A but like we all came into real estate from doing something else except for those people that's got into real estate when they were like 18 or 19 and they came straight here and I'm like man if I had known that we'd be having


this meeting oh my God right now but I got a later start so we're okay but we all came from something and hey right now out in the world 10 grand amount is a pretty good job so but you can just do that in real estate if you have 201 people in your command turned on now back to Sacramento where I'm starting with zero I can do that in six months just from the open houses I'm going to do right and then I'm going to meet people and they know people and do other stuff so it doesn't matter if you have zero


just start getting to 201 because your average commission is 120. you guys this is a national number they had to add up enough units nationally to equal 120. you can triple that right because 10 units in Pasadena Arcadia is three times the value of 10 units in Oklahoma City or loving Texas I guarantee it right and the job you left probably didn't pay you three hundred thousand maybe it did and maybe you're here to make three million we can show you how to do that right so let's just work for ourselves


and do this now we still need to talk about not to bug these people but that's what the 201 number is now here's a little secret you guys know who mahasa is she's my right hand person uh Regional operations manager I'm your Regional director we can go in command and we can pull up KW Pasadena and you guys have 300 something agents probably 299 185 okay so yeah you're like okay so whatever the number is we can see every name and I can see how many people you have in command and it'll say Sally Sue 11.


Bob Jackson 6 000. and we're just looking okay how many can we get in the 201 Club because we know it's going to help them we know it's going to help the Market Center we know it's going to help the region so every time you hear us say 201 Club is us saying come on guys what can we do to get 201 because we want you to make this National 120 which is a 250 300 here okay so we can look at that and we can look we can we can see that we're going to help you do that okay back to the mrea nailed on the wall


over there the four laws of lead generation build a database sounds easy enough the problem is this is plural for most of you you have your phone you have an old download from top producer Boom Town you have open house registries you have people on social media you have your uh Google contacts through your Gmail account and they're not all in one place so I really when when that says build a database I need you to see that that's one database and you guys a lot of you guys will start to do this and then you'll stop


you've got to you've got to get a database now we have the templates we have the layout we have everything you need that once you've got a database we can put it in command and many of you have already done that second thing is you feed it every day that might be open houses it might be something else communicate with it in a systematic way that's the smart plans there's hundreds of them they're already done for you or you can take one and edit it and make it your own and then you service all those leads


that's the four laws of lead generation so there's a lot of words on this page but the point is I need you to understand the 36 touch because once you've done those four things or once you've done number one build a database then I need you to build a 36 touch because this is nothing new which is why I started out saying I'm just here to remind you because all of this is in the mrea book which is almost two decades old they went to go rewrite that right before covet hit and besides uh social media


there's nothing they're ever going to change like well you're not going to change we tried to update it but it's updated like this is all still the same stuff so the 36 touch going back to the mrea and reconfirmed by this is that if you have a database and you have 36 touches per person per year you should get a deal for every 12 people in your database now it's not as easy as hey let me just send 36 emails summer emails and it's not just 36 text messages there's some text messages and and you can push


numbers in here and a human being might answer and you can talk to them right don't forget that that's what this originally was for was making phone calls some of these are phone calls are you going to call if you have 2 000 people in your database are you going to call everybody in your database every year no you should not do not treat everyone the same in that 2000 database you've got your aaa's in the middle I call them every month and then your regular A's I'd call them every quarter and your B's well you


probably shouldn't miss a birthday or some occasion but your C's that you met on an open house they ghosted you but you got info and they haven't unsubscribed yet not to call them but you got to do 36 touches with all different of those people my favorite Keller Williams agent I ever met it was uh over 10 years ago at Family Reunion I forget his name but he did over a hundred units solo agent 100 units every year he had a couple admins you know how big his database was yes 100 deals every year get a hundred


people in a database he was going one to one because everyone in his database gave him a deal he was the real estate agent of choice for a hundred people in Dallas Texas all he cared about and if he met someone that he's like I want them in my database he found who sent in the least amount maybe only one deal last year took him out like I'm only going to talk to 100 people and I talk to him really good I'll do 100 deals I mean what if you got 50 people and did 50 deals a year but you just found the right 50 people


right so don't treat everyone the same That's What I Call like the AAA that's what you're trying to do you're not trying to keep all these people on the edges that barely know you and luckily used you you're trying to drive them in where they're like oh I've got a deal I'm going to sell or I got a friend who's going to buy I'm calling Jane I don't think about it that's what you want as many of those people as you can get so that's the 36 touch I had an agent uh named Alora when I was


first a team leader and we go to family reunion and she sees all of these established agents that have Farms where they're sending postcards and door knocking neighborhood updates and she's like that's what I'm gonna do so she goes to this breakout session and family reunion she sits in their crowded room she's kind of sitting up front she looks around everyone's done on a cowboy hat and we're like in Phoenix she's like what's going on she's in farm and Rancher before him right so we're not


talking about selling farms and ranches that's funny you guys in the neighborhood farm and maybe you still do it maybe you don't maybe Covey change that maybe it didn't maybe all your customers are in a neighborhood maybe they're not so Tony Giordano a number of years ago wrote a book called The Social agent and he introduces us to a term called social farming that I think you should consider spending some of your time each week on social farming so if you're going to go out and door knock and do a farm do it


but what you would do is you would go out for what do you think three hours that's what Sylvia has you go out for three hours now how many other things can you do while you're doing I mean it depends how many people answer the door right but you can't be like walking your dog you can't bring your kids with you well it's your Diana and a red wagon in the day right but if you're out door knocking like that's all that you're doing social farming is go on social media with intention and


purpose and don't do anything else and do it for an hour and go look for your people and engage and comment and drill down and if you do that for an hour and you've closed all the other tabs and what don't treat it as a thigh this is a this is prospecting I'm looking for people maybe I'm going to LP mom a conversation through social media messages it works right and if you did that for an hour do you think you'd find a reason to write a note card to someone you knew their kid did something they're someone


passed away their brother passed away you never really knew what but you'll find a reason to write a note card well back to our 36 touch oops it's only one back this part part of the 36 is note cards so use your social farming to find a reason to turn that into a note card and every time you sit down and do social borrowing for an hour write two note cards and if you wrote four note cards a week that's 16 note cards a month and if you did that for six months almost 100 note cards that's 200 note


cards a year if you sent out 200 note cards last year based on social farming the people you knew and you still did two a week would you be talking to people that you currently are not would they be in your pipeline would you have a better chance of being the agent they called when they have a question that's all it is 36 touching your people in all these ways we're not bugging them okay we're gonna land the plane you guys we're almost done I love to end it this way because you're probably sitting there thinking wow Jim


you are a major brilliant all these are great ideas I've ever heard everything I'm gonna I'm gonna crush it and you are going to but this little thing called our brain gets in the way right what could go wrong is your mind go wrong and there's eight ways that your mind could go wrong here the first way is you decide that you're going to go really heavy on marketing and not prospecting you're going to put up a billboard you're going to mail out postcards you're gonna you're gonna only go sit in


an open house from one to four and do nothing else because that is marketing because all you're doing is waiting for people to find you marketing is not bad but you got to be prospecting days take action number two you could not attach numbers to things Jim I'm gonna do open houses I'm gonna have the best year ever through open houses I believe you how many I don't know yet depends how it goes but I'm going to do open houses it won't work numbers you will fail to put your personal life first


that will hurt you God family business so in the book The one thing this is called counterbalance which is when you're at work work when you're coaching your kids team do that everything will be back right living a balanced life like we're always trying to keep be available for everyone at all times nothing gets done that way number four you will be unrealistic Jim I'm gonna go door knock my new 2000 home Farm four hours a day Monday Wednesday Friday that sounds great that sounds a bit ambitious and on Monday I bet you do it


and then right before you're supposed to go on Wednesday I bet you find a reason not to because who wants to go door knock for four hours and it's probably gonna rain on you right my point here is be realistic do something for 45 minutes take a 10 minute break go back in do it for 45 take a 10 minute break and do a third 45 whether it's Gabe prospecting to grow the company or it's you talking to your database or it's use Circle prospecting your open house 45 45.


you have no reason not to do that okay number five you will let yourself think twice so there's people that we're going to be here today right they put it on their calendar they decided I'm going to go to this powerful database thing but they're not here because at 9 50 something popped up some squirrel or butterfly or they drove past their favorite Bakery and they're like you know what I should really do is go have that croissant and check my meme right because our mind does that so if you can if you can make your calendar


and then when visit it's then not the day before the throws us off it's not the week before it'll submit it before it throws us off don't allow yourself to redecide number six push through the monotony Zone the stuff in the mrea the stuff we learned now the stuff that's going to work next year is what I said is building a database and being the agent of choice that is through relationship right now that can get a little boring I did 16 open houses last month and this month guess what I'm going to do 16 more


open houses man I wish there was something new and exciting or not but you look for it so you go buy something or you redo your marketing or some people change real estate companies it doesn't do anything right and you can push through the monotony you'll get into the success Zone where it's like a habit where if I didn't do my two open houses this week it's like wait a minute I forgot to take a shower I forgot to brush my teeth stop I need to go do that right now like it needs to be that habit if that's your thing


whatever your thing is this next one's my favorite number seven what could go wrong you could forget that what you're really doing in real estate is just playing baseball whatever works does not work most of the time you're looking for yeses your life will provide you 80 percent knows think of a baseball player comes out of the dugout going over to home plate taking practice swings Stadium full of people he's on TV and that baseball player is like wait a minute I have at least an 80 chance of making


an outrage if not and it goes back like they pay that guy a million dollars to fail eighty percent of the time and he does it happily because that's the game he plays you guys door knocking open houses communicating with your database following up on online leads whatever you do will fail most of the time that doesn't mean it doesn't work it just means that your ratios are the same sometimes it's 90 10 sometimes it's 80 20 when you have a really good you're in the in the flow it's 70 30 but it's


still only 30 success you live in that world that baseball players live in so stop freaking out when you knock on Five Doors and nobody wants to talk to you that's exactly what's supposed to happen right I mean a baseball player who quit when he went five dollars in a row would walk away from a million dollar baseball career no right you're just you're looking for the yes that you let the nose bring you down look for the nose and then when the yeses happen they happen they'll just the way to change


your mind all right so when I say play baseball that's what I mean okay last one I added this recently because it really kind of struck me like life is hard whatever you do is hard family life is hard relationships are hard business is hard life is hard and we're on this little blue planet flying through the universe like gravity's holding us here instead of us flying off into square maybe gravity will stop tomorrow while we're flying it out I don't know I don't understand that stuff but this is what you do it's not who you


are so don't let your successes take you too high don't let the struggle the hard times get you too low this is just what you do you have to do something this is what you do so you get to play right treat it like a sport treat your prospecting like a sport go play it it's not who you are it's just what you do and the more you work on who you are in here that will come out that's the real purpose of life that's right whatever you do in business it's just really okay how can who can you


become by doing this right and so the people who work with us great the people who don't that's fine but I but by saying that by saying this is what you do it's not who you are I don't want you to say well oh I can just go climb a mountain and sit in a cave and and I'll get real estate checks no I want that to Spur you into light crazy wild fun action like like just let's get light about it and let's just go talk to a bunch of people about real estate and see what happens good things about it


right so there's my favorite Buffalo again so so be the buffalo all right so my my favorite part to totally wrap this up is just to kind of hear from you guys like what you heard what you think you need to do what's the thing you wrote down there's other people in the room weren't here too or what are your own laws another way of saying much once they start though yes what do you got oh you yeah who's saying I like the idea of doing two open houses you know a week to get you that age yep and check out the Playbook whoa it


open houses more than one day you know all right what else it's just a matter of going in into our database and talking to our folks you know and it's just a reminder do it Jane just do it right you're not sorry good thing talk to your people make it simple because I know it's starting down yeah starting out how long have you been in real estate um management for a good 10 years yeah the cells really do you have the property management database can you get it now all right what else you guys so this row was listening


what do you think you need to do I know I took a lot of notes and I just think it's getting backed up to what you were saying is there's three things don't try to do everything just keep it real and focus on Spirit influence you know your database your uh online and also your open houses pretty simple you don't need everything yeah just take care of your people yeah no the same thing that you know the 38 percent is a circle of angels stayed within or Thrive you know [Music] yeah that's why that building a database


that first step is so important because people start they're like oh and then like let me go do something else yeah finish that for sure I like Gary's uh first and the last oh that was the first and the last yeah I don't remember them all but just remember the first one and the last one yeah but what do you got it it's just uh I'm so happy I came today because I I almost wasn't you're almost really excited yeah from the beginning because we were we have been working on our database for quite a


while now and it was eye-opening because last year we were looking at our numbers and 100 of the business came from our database referrals or the the people that we haven't talked to and so that and just coming in here is is just refocusing on that because it's so easy to look at the shiny penny I'm like oh I should do this I should do that but this is working and it couldn't work even better yeah you're in the Monopoly Zone where you want it to be something different but it's just more


and better at what you're yeah you're the Brian Parsons movie Penny yeah Dave what do you got yeah so I mean I'm a I'm a sports guy so anytime you mentioned a baseball analogy I think it's really I think it's powerful because you know if we would see the Dodgers player refuse to go up to the play because he might strike out we would just think that was the stupidest thing um but you know we attempt to do that all the time you know like oh what if they hang up on what did they do you'll


walk up to a door she'll go prospecting you right yeah oh I've totally done that I'm like oh the gate looks like okay um and then another again going with the sports I've heard uh agents talk about you know it's the equivalent of somebody that's always practicing but they never want to be in the game and you would say well how silly is that what are you practicing for I mean you have to get out there so that you can have those wins and those victories and yes those disappointments so that was


that was good to me I'm gonna add the final slide to this the next time I teach it and it's based on what you just said and it's this imperfect action beats perfect in action yeah every time all right so Gabe can anything to wrap it up thank you guys thanks for being here Jim really appreciate it yeah um we've got a film so we're going to be reusing this and anybody wants slides right yeah yeah all right we'll see you guys soon don't pinch me I don't understand so guys before you leave uh yeah


thank you so much for joining I hope you enjoyed this video if you like what you see and you think other people should like it and see it then please be sure to like subscribe share follow do all that stuff so that more people can see this material thanks again for joining and I hope to see you soon


March Market Update


Team Meeting 2/14/23