Do you have a TC?

Many new agents are actually afraid of finding business.  I get it… when we start out, we don’t know yet how to run a transaction.  This fear actually keeps agents from finding business.  We are going to let you in on a big secret… FINDING the deal is harder than RUNNING the deal!  

This is where trust comes in.  Trust your Market Center to take care of you when you find that deal.  We have your back and will be there when you need direction.  Try these three things today to help you feel more positive about how you’ll learn the transaction:


  1. Talk with your Mentor, Team Leader, MCA, or KW Pasadena Staff about who you will go to for transaction help. 
    There are different programs in different market centers.  You may be using a mentor, a broker, or a designated staff member to help you.  Find out who this person is and introduce yourself to them so that it’s not your first conversation with them when you’re scrambling because you’re writing your first offer!

  2. Start learning the contracts.  
    You can login in to Contracts Class Wednesdays Live at 9am and ask Questions, watch previous recordings and You can find other recorded classes on the Residential Purchase Agreement and the Residential Listing Agreement in the “Contracts” section of the Productive Agent Launch Pad training library from the instructor, Renee Mello, is a 20+ year veteran and “Realtor of the Year” who is CAR certified to teach contracts.  You will also find classes on your board’s website or to CAR’s website and look under the training calendar.  You’ll find all kinds of classes on the Residential Purchase Agreement and the Residential Listing Agreement.  It’s a great idea to print out the agreements and start going through them paragraph by paragraph, highlighting what you don’t understand or key items in each section.  The more familiar you are with the contract before you complete one with a client, the better.

  3. Make an appointment with our Transaction Coordinators (TCs). 
    Ani is in-person for the Team Meetings, and available through email, make sure you introduce yourself and start a conversation, on Transaction best practices. You can also start interviewing other Transaction Coordinators. You will ABSOLUTELY want to hire a TC to manage your transaction.    Talk with your Team Leader, Assistant TL, ALC, mentor or MCA, and find out who they have worked with.  Schedule a quick meeting with each of them to see who you connect with.  

The peace of mind you’ll have knowing you’ve got help with the transaction should free up more brain space to devote to your lead-generation activities!  Just breathe… we’ve got you! 

  • Kristy Bailey, Product LaunchPad

edited by KW Pasadena Team


