As the future of homeownership becomes increasingly diverse, it's more important than ever to meet the changing needs of a consumer today. Putting diversity, equity, and inclusion at the forefront of your business not only ensures professional growth and success but also empowers the communities in which you live and serve.

Keller Williams Champions Diversity, Equity, Inclusion to Change the Industry.

At Keller Williams, we celebrate our differences. We believe that each of us has the right to be our authentic self, live our true life and pursue the opportunities we have always believed were possible. Our mission is to be the empowering community we all deserve where everyone belongs, and anyone can thrive.

Train to Build a Thriving Business

We offer an array of diversity, equity and inclusion training opportunities
to help you build a thriving business.

  • The Color of Real Estate takes an in-depth look at the history of practices and policies that have contributed to today’s homeownership gap. You’ll learn how to create a lasting impact in society and in your real estate business by implementing diverse business strategies that ensure fair housing for all. Walk away with a better understanding of the importance of our role as REALTORS.


  • β€œUnconscious Bias” delves into how the brain unconsciously produces bias and how these unconscious biases impact your business. You’ll learn how to become more aware of your behaviors, empowering you to be more intentional about your actions.


Agent of Distinction –
KW Diversity Certification

Developed by Keller Williams with renowned leaders of inclusion, Keller Williams’ diversity certification, Agent of Distinction, covers a breadth of topics on diversity and inclusion to help you meet the needs and expectations of the modern client. The online, self-paced certification provides you with the resources and tools you need to attract a diverse client base and create a strong, sustainable business.

The Social Equity Task Force

In 2020, Gary Keller, executive chairman and co-founder of Keller Williams, created the social equity task force to come forward with recommendations for action to eliminate any racial disparity within our company, our industry, and to lead the way in the communities where we live and work.

Each region nominated a social equity ambassador to serve on the task force and each market center appointed an ALC member to serve as the social equity committee chair. After months of self-examination, curiosity, and conversation, Keller Williams leadership acknowledged that we cannot be the company we claim to be unless our core culture demands that we actively and uncompromisingly run inclusive, diverse, and equitable businesses.

In September 2020, the Keller Williams International Associate Leadership Council (IALC), which assures that Keller Williams continues to operate as a β€œBy Agents, For Agents” organization through the continuous involvement of associates and leaders, voted unanimously to amend KW’s Belief System (WI4C2TES) to include β€œEquity: opportunities for all.” 

The social equity task force continues its commitment to education and training, creating community partnerships, increasing leadership opportunities, and building wealth in Black and historically marginalized communities

Meet The Team

Led by the head of inclusion and belonging for KWRI, Julia Lashay Israel, as well as other industry leaders in our Social Equity Task Force dedicated to making KW the most inclusive workplace in the world.


DEI Value Sheet



HOME WARRANTY 101 with Sandi Franco


DST Presentation with Kingsbarn Real Estate Capital