Home Appreciation 30-Day Nurture - Seller Letter

Below is a sample prompt to create a custom Seller Letter as part of a 4 touch Smart Plan to start or continue the relationship with Sellers in the new year. Below are the prompts that you can use to create the text of the letter and paste it into your letterhead to send to your clients, then add them to a smart plan or use the one created by Gabriel Perez, KW Pasadena Team Leader.


Search for the Smart Plan: PRET Home Appreciation 30-Day Nurture
or by Author Name: Corina Perez

Feel free to edit the Smart Plan that best suits your clients.

Tip: Tag your Contacts as Sellers in your Command.



Copy and paste this into Chat GPT

Be my executive assistant. I'd like you to prepare a letter to a client with the following instructions: I will provide the name of the client, the year they purchased it, the original price they purchased the home, and the home's value. I want you to plug in the client's name, and the year they purchased the home, and calculate the home's appreciation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Dear (Name),

We just wanted to be the first to congratulate you on some amazing years of appreciation! Since you made your purchase back in (year), your home has increased in value by approximately (X%)! Talk about a great time to own real estate! A rough estimate of your home’s value was used for this calculation (current value), however, we know that each home has its own details, features, and improvements, so if you want a more precise valuation, please let us know.

We are doing this for all of our favorite clients, and of course that includes you! We hope you have a great start to your 2024, and if you want a bit more detail on how we ran the numbers, we’re more than happy to provide that.

Also, if you know of anybody else who would get a kick out of this letter customized for them send them our way!


( Your Full Name )
( Title, DRE# )

( Phone )
( Email )
( Website )

Keller Williams Pasadena Realty


In the next prompts copy and paste this information and fill it out for each client.

You can get the date purchased and the purchase price from the tax records.

Client Name:
Date purchased:
Purchase price:
Current Price:

COPY and Paste the Response into your Letterhead. Print and Send.

Download and Add them to the Smartplan: PRET Home Appreciation 30-Day Nurture

Step #1 - Send the letter
Step #2 - Call behind the letter (offer PEAR report)
Step #3 - Send/Meet about PEAR report
Step #4 - Call to ask more questions

Sample Call Script

Hello Mrs./Mr. Seller

You probably haven’t had a chance to look at it yet, but did you see the letter I sent showing your home’s appreciation?

(YES/NO) Great, that’s actually why I’m calling…

I’m not sure if this is for you, but I have a report that shows how much money you’d actually put in your pocket after a sale. How much do you think that would be?

(NOT SURE) Well, let’s go over it together…Mon or Tue at 3 pm?



